Monday, October 19, 2009

Simpler Days

So I got the chance this past weekend to just sit around in my apartment and do nothing and stare out the balcony. It's times like these that you really learn to appreciate the small things in life.

Sitting there, it got me thinking back to my high school days and how much simpler it was back then compared to now or even during my undergrad. You show up to school, meet up with friends, joke around in class, play sports and hang out with the girlfriend after class. No need to worry about careers or futures or anything. It was just simple and fun.

Then university came along and the aspiration to get into medical school. You constantly worry about grades, having a presentable resume for application, extra-curricular activities, it became a giant game of how to best position yourself for maximizing your chances of getting into medical school. Don't get me wrong, I'm SO happy to be where I am right now because this what I really want to do and I wake up every morning being thankful that I'm in med school and look forward to the day. But then on the same token, looking back I also had to give up a lot to get to where I am now.

Aside from the initial rush of partying during first year, I rarely ever partied. I spent a lot of time studying or volunteering. I met a lot a lot of people during university but they were just that, not friends close enough that I would hang out with on a normal basis. You might just stop to chit chat if you happen to run into them while on campus. I'm off busy studying while my friends are over at someone else's playing xbox and what not on a Friday night.

I also find that it's hard to make true friends with people in the same program in university as many also had the hopes of getting into medical school. Getting into medical school is so competitive that sometimes it boils down to you getting a spot means that my spot is gone. It's a zero-sum game. I mean I've met my fair share of not-so-nice classmates or those who will outrightly backstab you just to get ahead on the road to medical school.

And I guess on the side of love and relationship, as we all grow older, dating and relationship aren't as simple as it was back in high school where it was "hey, I like you and you like me, let's date". So many factors are part of the equation now and I guess your earning potential and future plays a big part for better or for worse.

Gahh, ok I'm rambling on, I just miss the simple old days, that's all haha. As much as I like it right now, I do wish that maybe I can relive the older days once more and even do something that I wished I had done back then.


  1. I SO do not miss high school. Working life does it for me. Sure you have to get through the crappy training / studying first, but once you are done, and you can learn to appreciate what you’ve worked for, life can be great. Sure I didn’t have to study for what, 7 years? So I’ve reached my goal a lot faster than you, but believe you me, when you reach yours, you are going to have it better than most of the working force, incl. me. So basically, if I’m enjoying my life now that I’m where I want to be, you are going to LOVE yours once you get there too ;-)

  2. haha hopefully Frog! *fingers crossed*

    and thanks for commenting and sharing your thoughts. I really appreciate it!
