Friday, August 13, 2010

Back again!

Whow... I just checked my last posting date and it has been almost a year since I last posted. I guess once 2nd year got into full swing, I totally neglected this blog.

Well, 2nd year is done now and I'm enjoying my last bit of summer before starting my internship in September (T minus 3 weeks! eekkk!!). Starting off with psychiatry so that should be interesting. Can't wait to get my very own safety alarm in case I get attacked by some violent patient...yay.... (haha no, I totally kid, I'm super pumped actually. Can't wait to start "working" and not be ruled by the monotony of classes day in and day out).

My goal is to update the blog more regularly now as I will probably have far more interesting things to share and talk about than just classes, classes and MORE classes.

I also got a Twitter account so I can randomly share my thoughts (med school related or not). Check it out:

On a side note, saw a news report on lunch break today on teens turning to botox to "prevent" wringles. ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME?!?! I think it's totally stupid. What are your thoughts? Please share in the comments section.

Be back soon!